“The Indiana Abolition Coalition builds consensus to end the death penalty in Indiana through education, collaboration and activism.”
We believe:
- Capital punishment is morally unacceptable in all cases, without exception
- In the need to acknowledge the grief, pain and anger of victims’ families and to help establish support systems for them
- The death penalty is hopelessly biased against people of color and historically impoverished communities
- The death penalty is arbitrary and capricious in practice
- The death penalty is a deflection of attention and resources from the problem of violent crime
- The death penalty is neither just punishment nor an effective solution to violence
- An informed public will no longer support the death penalty
- To inform the public on alternative measures to address homicidal violence
- To reach decision-makers who are willing to work for change
- To uncover false assumptions about crime and punishment
- To collaborate with like-minded organizations
- To increase membership by creating communications, programs and events
- To increase our reach to more supporters
- To develop the ability to mobilize whenever action is needed
Indiana will be united with the abolition states in moving the nation to total abolition of the death penalty.